MeaningCloud's vertical packs are the fastest way to adapt text analytics analysis to your specific application or industry. Each vertical pack focuses on a specific application, providing resources already customized for it.

These are the current available vertical packs:

To be able to use any of these packs you need to have access to them. There are two possible ways to do this:

  • Requesting the 30 day free trial period that we offer for all our packs.
  • Subscribing to the pack you are interested in.

To start the trial period of any of the packs, you just have to log into MeaningCloud and find the corresponding 'Start trial' button in the sections below.

If you have already tried the pack and you want to keep using it, you will need to subscribe to it. In the same way you can choose which plan you want to subscribe depending on the credits, rate limit and resources you need, all the public packs are now included in the upgrade process.

Voice of the Customer (VoC) is a market research technique that involves analyzing the feedback provided by customers through different channels with the objective of detecting their needs, perceptions and preferences.


These are the components available for this pack:

Component Type Description Languages
VoC Generic Deep categorization model This model provides a generic Voice of the Customer analysis
  • English
  • Spanish
VoC Insurance Deep categorization model This model provides a Voice of the Customer analysis focused on the insurance domain
  • English
  • Spanish
VoC Banking Deep categorization model This model provides a Voice of the Customer analysis focused on the banking domain
  • English
  • Spanish
VoC Retail Deep categorization model This model provides a Voice of the Customer analysis focused on the retail domain
  • English
  • Spanish
VoC Telco Deep categorization model This model provides a Voice of the Customer analysis focused on the telecommunications domain
  • English
  • Spanish
VoC Add-in for Excel Integration This add-in enables you to analyze the Voice of the Customer in all the available domains from your spreadsheets.
  • English
  • Spanish

All the deep categorization models specified above can also be used from the Deep Categorization API.

Voice of the Employee (VoE) is the in-depth process of analyzing the feedback provided by employees for different aspects of the work life with the objective of improving engagement and productivity.


These are the components available for this pack:

Component Type Description Languages
VoE Performance Review Deep categorization model This model allows you to analyze the performance reviews of your employees
  • English
  • Spanish
VoE Organization Deep categorization model This model allows you to analyze the feedback of your employees about the organization
  • English
  • Spanish
VoE Exit Interview Deep categorization model This model allows you to analyze the exit interviews of the employees that leave the organization
  • English
  • Spanish
VoE Add-in for Excel Integration This add-in enables you to analyze the Voice of the Employee in all the available scenarios from your spreadsheets.
  • English
  • Spanish

All the deep categorization models specified above can also be used from the Deep Categorization API.

Intention Analysis is the task of finding out what someone's intent is, in this case, from a text. It's often applied to product mentions and their feedback in order to improve business processes and avoid threats in the different stages of the customer journey. It can help you identify customer churn before it's happened, the reason behind low conversion rates for a specific item, etc.


These are the components available for this pack:

Component Type Description Languages
Intention Analysis Deep categorization model This model allows you to identify the intention expressed in a text.
  • English
  • Spanish

All the deep categorization models specified above can also be used from the Deep Categorization API.

FIBO™ stands for Financial Industry Business Ontology and it is the industry standard resource for the definitions of business concepts in the financial services industry. It is developed and hosted by the Enterprise Data Management Council (EDMC). This pack enables you to detect the terminology defined by the FIBO Vocabulary.


These are the components available for this pack:

Component Type Description Languages
FIBO Dictionary This dictionary allows you to identify concepts defined by FIBO™.
  • English

Dictionaries can be used in the following APIs: Topics Extraction, Sentiment Analysis, Lemmatization, PoS and Parsing and Deep Categorization.

Heads up! This pack is only available for testing using the trial period. If you want to subscribe to it, just let us know and we'll get back to you ASAP.

With this pack you will be able to analyze the emotional tone expressed in a text. The emotion of the text can fall in one of these eight categories: joy, sadness, anger, fear, trust, disgust, surprise or anticipation.


These are the components available for this pack:

Component Type Description Languages
Emotion Deep categorization model This model allows you to identify the emotion expressed in a text.
  • English
  • Spanish

All the deep categorization models specified above can also be used from the Deep Categorization API.

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