Category Archives: Sentiment Analysis

Posts about Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment Analysis tool for your brand in 10 minutes!

Have you ever tried to understand the buzz around your brand in social networks? Simple metrics about the amount of friends or followers may matter, but what are they are actually saying? How do you extract insights from all those comments? At MeaningCloud, we are planning a series of tutorials to show you how you could use text analytics monitor your brand’s health.

Today, we will talk about the fanciest feature: Sentiment Analysis. We will build a simple tool using Python to measure the sentiment about a brand in Twitter. The key ingredient is MeaningCloud Media Analysis API which will help to detect the sentiment in a tweet. We will also use Twitter Search API to retrieve tweets and the library matplotlib to chart the results.

Brand monitoring

Listening to what customers say on social networks about brands and competitors has become paramount for every kind of enterprise. Whether your purpose is marketing, product research or public relations, the understanding of sentiment, the perception and the topics related to your brand would provide you valuable insights.  This is the purpose of MeaningCloud Media Analysis API, make easier the extraction of these insights from the myriad of comments that are potentially talking about a brand. This tutorial will guide you through the process of building an application that listens to Twitter for your brand keywords and extract the related sentiment.
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Textalytics sponsors the Sentiment Analysis Symposium

Next March 5-6, New York will host a new edition of the Sentiment Analysis Symposium. This is the seventh event of a series organized by industry expert Seth Grimes since year 2010 in San Francisco and NYC.

This is a unique conference in several aspects. First, it is designed specifically to serve the community of professionals interested in Human Analytics and its business application. Second, its audience is integrated by a mix of experts, strategists, practitioners, researchers, and solution providers, which makes a perfect breeding ground for discussion and exchange of points of view. Third, it is designed by just one person (not by a committee), a guarantee of consistency. Being an expert in the consultancy business, Seth Grimes achieves an excellent balance of presentations covering from technology to business application. I attended the New York 2012 edition, where I gave an enlightening talk, and I can tell that the experience was really enriching.

Sentiment Analysis Symposium 2014

Do not be misled by the title: do not interpret “Sentiment Analysis” in a narrow sense. The conference is about discovering business value in opinions, emotions, and attitudes in social media, news, and enterprise feedback. Moreover, the scope is not limited to text sources: speech and image are terms of the equation too.

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