MeaningCloud RapidMiner Extension

MeaningCloud for RapidMiner


RapidMiner 7.x, 9.x (up to 9.6)

Download MeaningCloud for RapidMiner

Embed the most advanced and customizable text mining into your analysis processes in RapidMiner.

Unstructured text hides enormous amounts of valuable information, but it is hard to process it automatically. MeaningCloud's extension for RapidMiner enables you to give it a structure, extract its meaning and combine it with other data sources in your favorite text analytics platform.

MeaningCloud's extension for RapidMiner provides new operators with advanced text analytics functionalities:

  • Topic Extraction: extracts from the text names of people, organizations, brands or places, abstract concepts, and amounts.
  • Text Classification: categorizes a text according to predefined taxonomies, which include IPTC and IAB out of the box.
  • Sentiment Analysis and Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis: detects the positive/negative/neutral polarity expressed in the text both at a global and at aspect-level.
  • Lemmatization: extracts a list of the lemmas of the words found in the text.
  • Deep Categorization: assigns one or more categories to a text, using a very detailed rule-based language.


Everything and anything you need to take advantage of this extension's full potential.

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Version Date Status
2.1 21/September/2020

2.1.0 (21/September/2020)

  • The add-in now also includes an integration with the new version 2.0 of Text Classification API.
  • The model selection in Text Classification has been improved enabling you to classify your texts with all the models you have in any version.
  • Minor bugs have been fixed.
2.0 17/January/2020

2.0.2 (17/January/2020)

  • Support added for the new language packs in the Topics Extraction operator.

2.0.1 (26/March/2019)

  • Bug in license key storage fixed.

2.0.0 (13/March/2019)

  • Two new operators have been added: Deep Categorization and Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis.
  • Usability has been improved for the license key configuration: now it's configured once in preferences, as opposed to including it in every operator.
  • Support for the latest RapidMiner versions has been added.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
1.0 10/April/2017

1.0.1 (11/April/2017)

  • Bug in documentation fixed.

1.0.0 (10/April/2017)

  • Initial version.

Click on the version number to see the changelog.

APIs Included


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