
Once a model has been created, you will be redirected to the model view. This is what you will see after creating a new model:

Model view introduction

The structure of the sections that enable to interact with the different elements of a model will always be as follows. The view features a sidebar on the left where you can access to all the elements and actions available for the model, see some of its basic information, and a main panel dedicated to show the information of whichever element you are working on.

In the top right of the page, you find the ID of the model, and below the sidebar, links to additional help.

Both the sidebar and the main panel feature a question mark: . By clicking on it, you will be given a tour of the element you've clicked on, explaining quickly and easily what its different parts are.

Interface tours


The sidebar is the same for all the different sections of the model view, so we will talk about it here. It is divided into two different parts: the elements that constitute the model and the actions you can perform.


The elements of a model are the configurable aspects available that enable to define how the model is going to work.

There are two elements:

  • Categories: how you want to classify your texts.
  • Settings: contains the basic configuration of the model, such as its name and description, minimum relevance levels, etc. Stopwords: list of words that will not be taken into account for the classification.


The actions are the different operations that can be performed on a model.

Actions section

There are five possible operations:

  • Build: checks if everything is defined correctly and ensures you test with the most recent version.
  • Delete: removes the model and all its contents.
  • Import: loads automatically categories into your model from a tsv file (tab separated values).
  • Export: extracts the model.
  • Test: tests the model’s functionality.

Model info

Under the actions, there's a small section with some of the basic attributes you may need: the model ID, when it was last updated, its status and the number of categories.