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Here are some examples of text categorization using MeaningCloud API:

Classify a social media message in English using the Corporate Reputation model.

An example of positive reputational change across the Citizenship and Performance dimension.

"Endesa is building the largest photovoltaic project for self-consumption in the Balearic Islands"

  • Use the txt parameter to submit the text.
  • Choose the language in which the text is going to be analyzed with lang, in this case English (en), is the chosen language.
  • Include your MeaningCloud license key as value for key parameter
Example using curl
curl '' \
    -F 'key <<YOUR OWN KEY>>' \
    -F 'lang=en' \
    -F 'txt=Endesa is building the largest photovoltaic project for self-consumption in the Balearic Islands'
MeaningCloud API output
    "status": {
        "code": 0,
        "msg": "OK",
	"credits": 1
    "entity_list": [
            "id": "60f9a019a5",
            "form": "Endesa",
            "type": "Top>Organization>Company>UtilitiesCompany",
            "polarity": "P+",
            "category_list": [
                    "code": "Citizenship",
                    "label": "Citizenship",
                    "polarity": "P+",
                    "abs_relevance": 1,
                    "relat_relevance": 100,
                    "sentence_list": [
                            "text": "Endesa is building the largest photovoltaic project for self-consumption in the Balearic Islands",
                            "inip": "0",
                            "endp": "95"
                    "code": "Performance",
                    "label": "Performance",
                    "polarity": "P+",
                    "abs_relevance": 1,
                    "relat_relevance": 100,
                    "sentence_list": [
                            "text": "Endesa is building the largest photovoltaic project for self-consumption in the Balearic Islands",
                            "inip": "0",
                            "endp": "95"