Author Archives: David Bitton

About David Bitton

Product Manager at Webhose

A Quick Introduction to Brand Monitoring and Brand Protection

[EDITOR’S NOTE: This is a guest post by David Bitton, Product Manager at]

Organizations should never underestimate the power of their brand. What starts out as a name, logo, vision, mission statement, website, and perhaps a few employees start to form an organization’s identity. As an organization grows, all of these key parts evolve over time to help customers identify the brand.

But a brand is more than its identity. A brand should evoke emotion from its customers – ideally a positive one – creating brand loyalty and repeat purchases of its goods or products. Loyal customers also refer the brand to friends, family, and acquaintances.

In today’s digital age, building and maintaining a strong brand is so important that brand monitoring plays a crucial role in organizations’ marketing strategy. However, with the rise of the dark web, brand monitoring has evolved to now include Digital Risk Protection. DRP protects the brand’s digital assets from various malicious actors intent on causing the brand and its reputation significant damage.

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