Tag Archives: IAB

Text Classification 2.0: Migration Guide

We’ve recently published a new version of our Text Classification API, which comes hand in hand with a new version of the Classification Models Customization console.

In both these new versions, the main focus is on user models. We know how important it is to easily define the exact criteria you need, so the new classification API supports a new type of resource, the one generated by the Classification Model Customization Console 2.0.

In this post, we will talk about how to migrate to these new versions if you are currently using the old ones. Text Classification 1.1 and Classification Models 1.0 will be retired on 15/Sep/2020. Continue reading

New Release: Text Classification 2.0

We’re happy to announce we have just published a new version of our Text Classification API, which comes hand in hand with a new version of the Classification Models Customization console.

In both these new versions, the main focus is on user-defined models. We know how important it is to easily define the exact criteria you need, so the new classification API supports a new type of resource, the one generated with the Classification Models Customization console 2.0.

With these new versions, we’ve aimed to:

  • Make criteria definition easier: more user-friendly operators to improve overall rule readability, and new operators to provide more flexibility.
  • Remove dependencies between categories in a model that made their maintenance and evolution cumbersome.
  • Give the user more control over where the relevance assigned to the categories comes from.
MeaningCloud release

Let’s see with a little more detail what’s new. Continue reading