Tag Archives: human analytics

Posts related to human analytics

Textalytics sponsors the Sentiment Analysis Symposium

Next March 5-6, New York will host a new edition of the Sentiment Analysis Symposium. This is the seventh event of a series organized by industry expert Seth Grimes since year 2010 in San Francisco and NYC.

This is a unique conference in several aspects. First, it is designed specifically to serve the community of professionals interested in Human Analytics and its business application. Second, its audience is integrated by a mix of experts, strategists, practitioners, researchers, and solution providers, which makes a perfect breeding ground for discussion and exchange of points of view. Third, it is designed by just one person (not by a committee), a guarantee of consistency. Being an expert in the consultancy business, Seth Grimes achieves an excellent balance of presentations covering from technology to business application. I attended the New York 2012 edition, where I gave an enlightening talk, and I can tell that the experience was really enriching.

Sentiment Analysis Symposium 2014

Do not be misled by the title: do not interpret “Sentiment Analysis” in a narrow sense. The conference is about discovering business value in opinions, emotions, and attitudes in social media, news, and enterprise feedback. Moreover, the scope is not limited to text sources: speech and image are terms of the equation too.

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