Adverse Effects and Artificial Intelligence

artificial intelligence and adverse effects

Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) are the biggest safety concern in the health field.

Artificial Intelligence can decisively contribute to promote patient safety, proactively monitor adverse events and understand their impact in every phase of development.

A.I. ensures global compliance and improves a company’s effectiveness in adverse events reporting, drug safety management and risk mitigation.

Text Analytics technologies automatically process and analyze textual content and provide valuable insights, transforming text-based  “raw” data into structured, usable information.

Download this brochure

  • Sources for Health and Pharma Companies Should Exploit Text-Based Information with Artificial Intelligence
  • Benefits of Applying A.I. to the detection of Adverse Effects in Pharma and Life Sciences


Health and pharma companies can exploit their unstructured information

There are new kinds of data that are specific to the
healthcare and pharmaceutical industries
(such as electronic health records) as well as data science tools that allow us to extract valuable knowledge from that data.


With MeaningCloud, it is possible to identify the costs of medical treatments, their efficiency (cost, benefits, and risks), references to drugs, side effects, or long-term results. That is why our text analytics solution for the healthcare and pharma domains has so much potential.

See also

About Eduardo Valencia

Data-driven by instinct and by learning. I began my career as a linguist. Some things stay with you to the grave. Since 1995, I have been leading teams and companies that have successfully developed and distributed hundreds of successful data, analytics and ICT projects.

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