MeaningCloud Release: VoC vertical pack upgrade

In the latest MeaningCloud update, we have published a new upgrade for our Voice of the Customer vertical pack. This update has two significant changes:

  • We’ve added a new domain to the four we already supported: telecommunications. This domain is huge and has a vast amount of unstructured data available and ready to be analyzed. You can check out the categories for this new model in the documentation.
  • We’ve refactored the models we already provided. Most of this refactorization has been done under-the-hood, but there are some categories that have changed names, either to give a more intuitive idea of what they refer to or to narrow down the criteria.
MeaningCloud release

Changes in the ontologies

The new ontologies can be found in the corresponding documentation.

The main change done to the four existing domains has to do with client satisfaction, which is a key component of the voice of the customer analysis. In the previous version, obtaining the satisfaction expressed by a customer implied combining the information derived from the Polarity dimension and the Quality>Satisfaction category. Through the combinated appearance of these categories we were able to detect if the client was talking about his level of satisfaction, and the color of that satisfaction.

In the new version of the ontologies, we want to make this easier, so instead of having to combine this information, we now give directly the satisfaction level, reducing the logic needed in post-processing and the number of categories to check to obtain the info.

  • New categories:
    • Satisfaction>Positive
    • Satisfaction>Negative
    • Satisfaction>Neutral
  • Categories removed:
    • Polarity>Positive
    • Polarity>StrongPositive
    • Polarity>Negative
    • Polarity>StrongNegative
    • Polarity>Neutral
    • Polarity>NoSentiment
    • Quality>Satisfaction

The other change that affects several models is related to how companies are detected. In the new update, the dimension Company applies to all the VoC models, and depending on the domain, only the companies relevant to it will appear. This is something that was already included for the Insurance and Retail domains. In this new update, we’ve also included it for the Generic domain, and we’ve renamed the Bank category in the Banking domain: the banks mentioned in the text now will appear under the Company dimension.

The rest of the changes in this update are specific to some of the models:

VoC Banking
Old category New category Comments
Condition>Customers Condition>TargetCustomer Renamed to clarify what it refers to.
Condition>Documentation Condition>Paperwork Renamed to clarify what it refers to.
(none) Condition>Price Mentions of prices of the product/service.
(none) Condition>Promotion Mentions of promotions
VoC Insurance
Old category New category Comments
(none) Condition>ContractingChannel Conditions associated to the channel used to contract the product/service.
(none) Condition>Price Mentions of prices of the product/service.
(none) Condition>TargetCustomer Who the product/service is aimed at.

As usual, you can easily check the results obtained in the different domains in the demos available or by requesting a trial period of the pack. You can use the Deep Categorization console or the VoC Add-in for Excel (which has also been updated in this release).

For any questions, we are available at

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